Tuesday, 20 May 2014

GTA 5-own case study


  • What print adverts were used to advertise the game? Find examples and post them on your blog.

    1. What key conventions of print adverts can you find on the example you have chosen? Product name? Font? Slogan? Central image? Colour?The central image wasn't just one character, it was many characters playing the game and it showed different locations where you could play the game. The colour was urban as the game has a lot of things to do with crime and violence. The same font was used as on all the previous games.
    2. Find three reviews for your game that were originally published in videogame magazines. Are they positive or negative about the game? Copy and paste one quote from each review. 'GTA V is not perfect but has everything you'll ever dream in a sandbox game.'(This is effective because it attracts audience by showing them what you can do in the game but not in real life.) 'you can entertain yourself in many different ways'(The audience will never get bored and they can play the game when ever they want)Great game. I loved how you can switch between characters and play different side stories. (This is a positive comment)
    3. Did your game feature on any videogame magazine front covers? Find examples and explain why a front cover feature is so successful in promoting a game to its target audience.

    1. Did your chosen game use a TV advert to promote the game? Embed it from YouTube if it did.
    1. Is there a game trailer on YouTube? Embed it on your blog and explain why it is effective in promoting the game to its target audience.It is effective because the target audience that like technology and to have a social life, they may see the trailer and may think about buying it.
    2. Can you find any other broadcast features on the game - interviews, launch party events, video reviews, clips of the gameplay on YouTube etc. Write about how they effectively promote the game to its target audience.There were many comments on the you tube page under the video and they were all positive saying that 'cant wait for he game to come out'.


    1. Visit your chosen game's official website. How does it attract and maintain the interest of its target audience?The colours are really effective. Also, the website starts of showing the different games and then what ever game to click on the print advert comes up showing the name of the game and what characters it has inside. 
    2. Are there any creative or interesting aspects to the game's official website?Yes there are many colours which will attract the audience e.g. black, red and blue. There are also a lot of images shown from the game.
    3. Does the game have a YouTube channel?Yes it does and it helps the audience because many people look at the social media websites and mainly the target audience for GTA 5 are people who like technology so it will be better and easier to see the games advertisement there.
    4. Can you find any examples of user-generated content on YouTube that players have created and uploaded from the game? Embed any examples on your blog.
    5. How does user-generated content such as gameplay videos help to promote the game?
    6. How many 'likes' has your chosen game's Facebook wall had?1.9 million
    7. Choose five of the posts on the Facebook page's wall, screengrab them and explain how they appeal to the game's target audience.
    8. What is your chosen game's Twitter hashtag?
    9. How did the campaign use Twitter to promote the game?
    10. Can you find any other creative uses of e-media to promote the game? This might include hashtags, competitions, Instagram, user-generated campaigns or anything else that is designed to draw attention to the game.

    Friday, 9 May 2014

    Star Trek: blog tasks

    Star Trek: blog tasks

    1) Pick out the five most significant aspects of the Star Trek campaign from the list above and explain why they were important in creating a buzz about the game. 
    • E3 announcement and teaser trailer- it gives the audience about what the videogame is about
    • Press release to maintain interest- this is to interest the audience about the game and so the audience can talk about the game
    • Game enemy (Gorn) announced- it gives an idea to the audience about the villain and also the audience will be more interested in the game because they will know who to defeat. Also many of the people will start talking about the game and make them more into the game.
    • Game producer Brian Miller interviewed- the audience will be more excited about the game
    • Release date announced- gets the audience excited for the and they may pre-release it. Also, many people will start talking about the game so many more people will start talking about it (word of mouth).   

    2)Watch the following YouTube trailers and explain why they might appeal to an audience:
    • Teaser trailer- at the beginning it tells you who it is aged by and what age can play the game. It shows what company has made the game. Also, it tells the audience what year it is coming in.
    • Xbox teaser trailer- It tells you that the console you could play it on (Xbox). It has given an idea about what the game is about and how you play it.
    • Full trailer- The trailer is now more longer. It has name checks, it also shows the characters. It shows what you can do. At the end it tells you the realesase date so many of the audience can pre-release it and get excited and interested about it.
    • Comedy trailer with William Shatner- its to entertain the audience which makes it humorous and it to show that the videogame isn't to violent.
    3) How many views did these trailers receive in total? 

    4) Why did the Star Trek videogame publisher develop the marketing campaign over such a long time? to make people aware of the game and so they can recognise it and to make a good reputation of the game.

    5) What other examples can you find online from the Star Trek marketing campaign? Print? Reviews? Broadcast? E-media? Do you feel the campaign as a whole was successful?

    they are advertising and trying to sell the videogame by including more stuff in it.