Tuesday, 6 May 2014

AIDA exercise

Task 1
Summarise who might play the game and what platform they will play it on. Give it a title.
The X-Factor
The target audience for this game is 12+ because people at the age age of 12 watch X-factor which means they would be attracted to the game.
The platform they would play this game is on PS3 and Wii.
Demographically the target audience for this game is for both genders, Male- 35% and Female-65%, this is because you have to sing in the game, which females

Task 2
Use AIDA to plan a 10 minute marketing campaign for the new game:

A: How will you create marketing materials that attract audience attention to the game? There can be a free trial. People would get attracted to it because they would get to know how the will look and work.
I: How will you generate audience interest? I would definitely talk and give details about the game, I will also   show them the cover of the game.
D: How will you stimulate audience desire to buy the game? talk about the features and make them play the game in store to give them a taster.
A: How will you promote audience action? to watch the actual TV programme is free, so the game itself is cheaper than other music games.

Task 3
Write up your notes on your blog and be prepared to share your ideas with the class.

Game 9
Music game. Players use a special microphone to pick up their own musical sounds, and play along to a series of tracks. They can use any musical instrument, or sing, and the game will interpret the notes they produce and check them against the original track. Their ability to play / sing in time and in key will be assessed for each song. Play can be in rehearsal or gig mode. In gig mode, the higher the score, the better the venue for the next gig

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